The series revolves around the career of Michael Jordan, with particular focus on his final season with the Chicago Bulls. The Last Dance is a 2020 American sports documentary miniseries co-produced by ESPN Films and Netflix. The series features exclusive footage from a film crew that had an all-access pass to the Bulls, as well as interviews of many NBA personalities including Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, Steve Kerr, and Phil Jackson.
After many years, and many refusals from Jordan, he agreed in 2016 to a documentary proposal from Mike Tollin. The series features both interviews and never-released footage from the 1997–98 Chicago Bulls season. Over 500 hours of all-access footage was filmed and used to create the 10 part documentary series. According to Adam Silver (now NBA Commissioner, but then the head of NBA Entertainment), Jordan allowed the filming with the agreement that the footage would only be used with his direct permission.
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